Wednesday, March 29, 2006

2ND International Workshop on Debate Education, Calabar-Nigeria 2006!!

The international Debate Education Association, which is headquartered in New York United States in Collaboration with Debate And Development Resource Center Nigeria, which coordinates Nigeria Debate Movement, a network of Debate societies across Nigeria is pleased to invite you to a six day workshop on debate education.
Teachers, Public Advocates, Debate coaches, Radio and Television presenters across the country have been invited to attend as delegates.
The first training which was held in Lagos in 2005 attracted teachers and youth workers across the federation. This second training is a follow up to last year training which was not a Training of Trainers workshop.
The workshop will focus on three important areas, which includes; debate across curriculum, competitive debate designed for schools and debate clubs and public debates which is primarily for Radio and Television presenters.
Aim of the workshop
To build the capacity of Nigerians on Debating and adjudication skills. And also learn new methods in integrating debating into teaching techniques by schools.
The workshop course modules are attached with this letter so as to enable you know the area you can benefit effectively

Other guidelines and criteria
*The selection of participants should reflect regional/gender balance.
*The delegate should have written support of their school/organization.
*Only teachers representing Secondary schools situated outside Calabar are eligible to apply for scholarship.
*Debate clubs/Debate coaches outside Calabar are expected to enjoy free participation.
*Participation is free and open to the selected delegates.
*Learning materials/Debate resource books are to be provided to all the schools/participants.
*Your School/Debate club will automatically become a training partner and will be certified in due course.
*Partcipating schools will have the access to participate in IDEA programs worldwide.
*Participating Schools/organization will sign a memorandum of understanding with Dederc for debate sustainability in their various schools/organizations.
Interested applicants are strongly encouraged to be familiar with the various workshop topics before completing the survey, as participants will be lectured based on the report of the survey. For participation, please contact or +234-8036720776

Noel Selegzi (Guest Lecturer) has coached debate at Hunter College High School in New York City for fifteen years. His teams have won numerous tournament championships. In addition, he is the Executive Director of the International Debate Education Association. A student of social and political philosophy, he specializes in the history of political thought, ranging from Ancient Greek philosophy to contemporary political theory.

Marcin Zaleski obtained his International Baccalaureate at the United World College in Duino, Italy. In 1995 he became the coordinator of the Polish debate program, and also wrote a book about debate. As a consultant for the Open Society Institute, he conducted trainings throughout
Central and Eastern Europe. In 1999 Marcin was elected the President of the Board of Directors of the International Debate Education Association, and continues to work as a debate trainer, curriculum developer and a fundraiser for the program. Marcin speaks Polish, English, and Italian and Russian.
Selected participants will be informed about the confirmation of their registration via email/telephone. Further details including venue, programmes will be furnished upon confirmation.
We are delighted to welcome you to the first ever workshop on debate education in Nigeria and we hope you will assist us in bringing debating back to life once again.